Technology based rubrics can be useful ways to assess student learning. Rubric banks already have several rubrics that are ready to use to evaluate different tasks. You simply find the one that you want and use it. The downside to rubric banks is that it may be hard to find one that specifically meets your intended learning outcomes. In other words you shouldn’t find the first rubric and use it because it may not align with the purpose that you had for the assignment. The positive side of using rubric banks is that it saves teachers lots of time. Rubric generators help the teacher to create their own rubrics. They can be very helpful tools because, they walk you through a series of steps that helps you to create the best possible rubric, one that includes all elements that you want to assess. Using a good rubric to assess a project is very important. I think that a teacher should take advantage of the rubric tools that are out there but should be willing to create their own if it is necessary to get the best results. I can use rubric banks and generators in my class when I am grading shop projects or when I give them a paper to write over an agricultural issue.
I think that using clickers in the classroom is a good way to assess what students are learning. Students answer a question by clicking a button on a remote and the teacher gets a summary of all of the student’s responses immediately. It helps the teacher to know what they may need to modify in their teaching because they will see if the students are learning. It gets the students actively engaged in the class and, therefore, allows students to retain the information. I can use clickers in my classroom when I need to know if my teaching methods are working. I can ask them questions about what we have learned in class and see if students are learning from the class. I can imagine how frustrating it would be to get to the end of a section and find out that nobody gets it. That should make the teacher ask themselves if they need to change something. I believe that using clickers can help with that.
Inspiration and Kidspiration are both visual aides that help students to comprehend and learn by organizing their thoughts. I could have my ag class to do a semester long project that involves them researching a topic, have them to put their findings in an outline format, and then present it to the class by using Inspiration. I think that it would be a very beneficial learning experience for those that create the presentation, but it will give others an opportunity to learn from it as well.
Meaningful Learning With Technology—Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R.M. & Crismond, D. (2008). Pearson, Merrill/Prentice Hall, 3rd edition.
Inspiration/Kidspiration: Inspiration Software, Inc Retrieved November 24, 2010 from