Wednesday, October 27, 2010


As with most of the other web 2.0 technologies that we have learned about so far, I have heard of podcasting, but I have never had any experience with them. Therefore, I have learned from this lesson. Some of my favorite Christian radio programs offer podcasts to listeners and I have always wondered about what a podcast is. Now I have a better understanding. "Just as blogs now make online text publishing possible for anyone, podcasting is enabling all of us to produce the equivalent of online radio programs."(Jonassen, Howland, Marra, Crismond p.159) Podcasts are available for anyone to create an audio file and store it so that someone else can listen to it later unlike streaming audio, which is basically like a live broadcast where someone can listen to it as it is presented. Podcasts can be used in the classroom by allowing students to show their understanding of a topic. They can ask each other questions in an interview format as a way of reviewing the material. Teachers can also make their lessons available to students through podcasts as a tutorial.

Podcasting has both similarities and differences from the other web 2.0 technologies we have learned about so far.They are all easily accessible to anyone with internet access. Anybody can participate and they can all be beneficial in a classroom setting. However, unlike blogs and wikis which use written words, voice threads and podcasts use audio files.

I do not personally own an ipod or mp3 player, but I know people that do. I think if I did own one I would use it to listen to music ,as well as, my favorite Christian talk radio programs. As a youth minister, I see every week the impact that technology has on our youth. Ipods, mp3 players, cell phones, texting, and the internet all affect our students on a daily basis. With that being said, I think it's important to use technology as much as possible in order to reach them. It doesn't matter if it's in a classroom setting or even a Sunday School room, we need to take advantage of these opportunities.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R.M. & Crismond, D. (2008). Pearson, Merrill/Prentice Hall, 3rd edition


  1. I think that recording a review session to be broadcast as a podcast is a great idea. The question and answer aspect would allow the students to ask about what they are unsure of and be able to listen to the answer instead of then writing down the answer and possibly missing something of importance or not being able to read the notes later. Having a podcast would enhance and compliment classroom activities and would allow a student to listen to the material many times if needed. It also compliments student learning styles and potentially would help an auditory learner to master material easier and faster.

  2. I really liked what you said at the end, about needing to use technology to help reach students. I think it's important for teachers to realize that we aren't living in the 50's or 60's anymore. Kids these days grow up with technology as an aspect of their everyday lives. Teachers can't expect students to go from a completely wired world to a completely unwired classroom and have the most successful learning experience. Teachers have to try and meet students in the middle, rather than expecting the students to completely change how they think/read/communicate for their class.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Indeed, technology has opened up the lines of communication when concerning education, religion, and other forms of information that can be accessed via the internet, and other forms of mass media. However, the types of applications discussed in our recent lectures do pose similarities and differences which include information processed via text, and information processed via digital media. Of course, some may find it beneificial to not only have access to infromation; but to be able to leave their thoughts and opinions on it as well. On the other hand, others may find technology, such as Podcasts most beneficial due to its portability.
